Spray plants
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Scrubber - comparative table

Gemata SCRUBBER Best scrubbers in the market
Air suction over 25% compared to the best scrubbers in the market
Constant scrubbing in the cleaning pause with efficient sedimentation of the product on the bottom of the tank Scrubbing reduced during the cleaning pause; the product has difficulties decanting on the bottom of the tank
4 scrubbing chambers 2 scrubbing chambers
Teflon coated impeller (self cleaning) Stainless steel impeller (manual cleaning)
Impeller motor with double water seal especially studied for the tanneries Impeller motor with simple water seal
Water circulation pump with special mechanical seal for tanneries Water circulation pump with simple seal that needs frequent maintenance
Water pump filter extractable for cleaning No existing water pump filter
Easy inspection/cleaning accesses Difficult inspection/cleaning accesses
Hydraulic plant made in plastic anti-corrosive material Iron hydraulic plant
Filters cleaning pause every 160 hours
with weekly water replacement
Filters cleaning pause every 80 hours
with weekly water replacement